Digital marketing Classes Slides


Here are the Topics from Day1 with slides PPT Links



Marketing Definition

Segmenting, targeting and positing

Marketing Mix

Who is Consumer̥

Consumer behaviour, Factors

learning outcome > define marketing, demonstrate an understanding of segmentation, targeting, and positioning strategies, analyse and apply the elements of the marketing mix, identify the role and characteristics of consumers, and analyse consumer behaviour to make informed marketing decisions.


Purchase decision

The New Age Customer

customer journey  

journey maps

touch points

Brand, what is it

learning outcome > a comprehensive understanding of purchase decision dynamics, the evolving landscape of the New Age Customer, mapping the customer journey, identifying touch points, and the crucial role of brand in shaping consumer experiences.


Brand equity

Market funnel

Stages in it-Brand awareness to loyalty

What are impressions and reach

Customer reach (paid, owned, earned)

learning outcome > a comprehensive understanding of brand equity and the market funnel, including the various stages from brand awareness to loyalty. They will be able to differentiate between impressions and reach, while also grasping the concept of customer reach through paid, owned, and earned channels in the marketing landscape.

Digital marketing presentation


What is Website,

What is Webpage

What is Domain, URL,Host

Website information, Syntax

HTML demo website

learning outcome > Upon completion, learners will demonstrate proficiency in creating and understanding websites, including defining domains and URLs, retrieving website information, and constructing a basic HTML demo website.



What is search engine


How it is worked

(index, crawl, serve)

SERPs Ranking and features

Google Knowledge Panel

learning outcome > Upon completion, learners will understand the fundamentals of search engines, including their working mechanisms (indexing, crawling, serving), the importance of SEO, and the factors influencing SERPs ranking and features



Pre SEO works

7 Factors disscusion

 learning outcome > Understanding pre SEO works

Day7 (lab1)

Optimize website content (on page SEO)

Image practices

Information gathering and research

learning outcome > students will proficiently optimize website content for on-page SEO, implement effective image practices, and conduct thorough information gathering and research to enhance online visibility and user experience.



Keyword Stuffing

Blogger Themes

Editing Blog Profile

Layouts Editing

Favicon Creation

Optimizing Blog with on-page Seo

 learning outcome > Upon completing this module, learners will proficiently optimize their blogs by implementing effective on-page SEO techniques, including keyword stuffing, customizing blogger themes, editing blog profiles, refining layouts, creating favicons, and enhancing overall site visibility



Creating blog,practice

learning outcome > Creating blog on Google blogger


Off Page SEO


Importance of Backlinks

Types of Off page SEO strategies

DA,PA ,spam score

learning outcome > Upon completion, learners will understand the significance of off-page SEO, recognize the importance of backlinks, distinguish various off-page SEO strategies, and comprehend metrics such as DA, PA, and spam score in optimizing website performance.




Implementing Onpage SEO on own blog

learning outcome > Implementing On page SEO on own blog


Keyword Planner


Google keyword planner



 learning outcome > Develop proficiency in utilizing keyword planning tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Moz, and Uber suggest to optimize and enhance online content for improved search engine visibility.


Applying Off page SEO to blog

Blog comment

Social bookmarking

Directory submission

Classified submission

Pdf submission

Article submission

Forum discussion

learning outome > Proficiency in types of off page SEO


Intro to SEM (Search engine Marketing)

Paid and Organic Categorization and arrangement

Google ads

Bidding, campaign

Creating a marketing campaign 5 steps

learning outcome > Upon completion, learners will proficiently navigate and implement both paid (Google Ads) and organic strategies in Search Engine Marketing, demonstrating the ability to create effective campaigns, manage bids, and optimize overall performance


Practical implementation of SEM Campaign

SEM step by Step Campaign preparation

learning outcome >  Practical implementation of SEM Campaign


Social Media Marketing

5 pillars of SMM

SMART analysis

Social listening and social media engagement

Post content

learning outcome > Upon completion of this course, learners will master Social Media Marketing, understanding its 5 pillars, conducting SMART analysis, implementing social listening and engagement strategies, and creating impactful post content for effective online presence.


Practising off Page SEO to your Blog

learning outcome > Implementing Off page SEO to your own blog


Email marketing

Segmenting list

Types of emails

Mistakes in email marketing

Mail language

mail structure

Tools for email marketing

 learning outcome > Upon completion of the email marketing module, learners will proficiently understand and apply strategies for effective segmentation, utilize diverse types of emails using appropriate tools, identify common mistakes.


Email marketing Metrics

implementing and Navigating:

Email Marketing Campaign using MailChimp

importing Subscriber Lists

Email Analytics Dashboard

learning outcome >  "Upon completion, learners will be proficient in setting up and managing email marketing campaigns using MailChimp, including importing subscriber lists and interpreting key metrics through the Email Analytics Dashboard."

Day20 (Lab5)

implementing Backlinks:

Blog commenting(10 links)

Social Bookmarking (10 links)


Pricing strategies

Price Adjustments

learning outcome > "Developing a comprehensive understanding of pricing strategies, including effective price adjustments, to optimize revenue and enhance market competitiveness."


implementing Backlinks:

Directory &Classifieds Submission (10 links)

PDF submission (10 links)

Article submission (10 links)


Customer loyalty

Loyalty programs

learning outcome > "Implement effective customer loyalty programs to enhance customer retention and satisfaction."



Various ways to collect customer feedback

Post-purchase communications

Customer Survey Questions Checklist

learning outcome >  Developing a comprehensive understanding of CRM, including effective collection of customer feedback, survey questions to optimize post-purchase communication 

(DAY 21,23,24) SLIDES👇


Thank you for your active participation and commitment during our classes. Your engagement and dedication have contributed significantly to the enriching learning environment. I appreciate your valuable contributions and look forward to continued success together.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out.

Wishing you continued success and excellence in all your endeavors.

"I invite you to follow and support me on Instagram. Your continued engagement and support mean a lot. Let's keep the conversation going! Find me on Instagram at @instartee_gallery. Looking forward to connecting with you there".


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